demon core

Demon Core

One of our most important team members, the demon core helps our staff remember how fragile
and short our lives are and no matter what we do or accomplish in the end we are just
tiny specs in this infinite universe and ultimately nothing we have done will have changed
anything in the non-stopping passage of time. which boosts productivity by 0.0274%

Stock man

Average office worker

He is an employee and he has tasks he does on a daily basis.
He definitely works for the intended time we gave him in order to earn his paycheck.
idk he isn't really special he just comes in and works.
Wait what was his name again..?

egg man


Egg man is our lord, egg man is our saviour
We praise the egg man, We worship the egg man
Egg man will set us free, Egg man will give us hope
Bow down before the god of the new world.

Mouse in Baked Beans

In December 2011 sainsburys the popular UK groceries chain was fined approximately twelve thousand dollars.
After one of its customer found a mouse inside a can of store brand baked beans.
Bean starch was found inside the rodents stomach during the investigation and thus it was ultimately concluded that greed was its downfall.
Now he's working here for less than minimum wage in order to make a living.